Part 27 By Vince Cutajar

Finally, I decided to convert the float chamber into a fuel tank. My reasoning is that if the Kiwi worked with fuel just coming from a plastic pipe then why shouldn't it work with this method?

I made a dummy fuel inlet nipple  which will screw into the bottom of the tank. This will make it look like the real float chamber.

Screwed in the dummy fuel inlet in the bottom of the tank and used a locknut, I had made extra when doing the carb banjo, to lock it.  I tapped a 3mm hole so that I will screw in a length of 3mm threaded rod which will eventually hold the fuel tank cap.
The lid is only 4mm thick. Started off by machining the top part of the lid. I left a longish spigot on purpose so that I can use it to hold it in the chuck when machining the other side. With the parting tool I removed some excess material on the side before parting off.

Turned it over and holding it by the spigot I machined the bottom of the lid (photo 3). Finished off the lid by drilling the 3mm hole through the boss and then milled off the excess boss material. Then drilled a 1mm vent hole.

With the tank bolted to the carb banjo it looks exactly like the original float chamber except for the brass knob at the top of the lid.
After increasing the vent hole to 1.5mm it works perfectly.

The final piece of the jigsaw is now finished and fitted.

And it all works.

Part one  part two  part three  part four  part five  part six  part seven  part eight  part nine  10   11   12   13   14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27